Sobald Sie sich für eine Immobilie entschieden haben und uns bitten, eine Reservierung vorzunehmen, müssen Sie den Gesamtbetrag der Reservierung oder eine Anzahlung leisten, wenn dies zum Zeitpunkt der Reservierung als Option angegeben wurde. In einigen Fällen verlangen wir möglicherweise eine höhere Anzahlung. In diesem Fall werden Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung darüber informiert. Alle Buchungen müssen innerhalb von 45 Tagen vor dem Ankunftsdatum vollständig bezahlt werden.

Bei Buchungen, die mehr als 45 Tage vor Anreisedatum erfolgen, beträgt die Anzahlung 25% des Buchungspreises. Sie können auch den vollen Betrag bezahlen, wenn Sie Ihre Buchung vollständig bestätigen möchten. Sobald Sie eine Buchung mit Anzahlung vorgenommen haben, haben Sie 3 Tage Zeit, die 25% Anzahlung zu überweisen. Bitte geben Sie bei der Überweisung Ihre Buchungsnummer an, damit wir die Überweisung Ihrer Buchung zuordnen können. Ihre Buchung ist erst garantiert, wenn Ihre Anzahlung auf unserem Bankkonto eingegangen ist.

Bei Buchungen mit Anzahlung muss der Restbetrag 30 Tage vor Anreise bezahlt werden. Sollte der Restbetrag nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen vor Anreise eingehen, kann Ihre Buchung storniert werden.

Ihre Buchung wird bestätigt und ein Vertrag zwischen uns kommt zustande, wenn wir Ihnen unsere Bestätigungsrechnung/-E-Mail zusenden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Ihre Zahlung zurückzuerstatten und die Ausstellung einer Buchungsbestätigung nach eigenem Ermessen abzulehnen.

Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Buchungsbestätigung sorgfältig und informieren Sie uns umgehend über falsche oder unvollständige Angaben. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Namen genau mit denen in Ihrem Reisepass übereinstimmen. Im Übernachtungspreis sind keine zusätzlichen kostenpflichtigen Leistungen enthalten, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts in der Unterkunft nutzen möchten.

Bankverbindung - Bitte geben Sie als Zahlungsreferenz Ihre Buchungsnummer an. Kontoname: PLAYA BLANCA HOLIDAY VILLAS SL -  SWIFT:  BSCHESMM - IBAN:  ES82 0049 1880 1923 1021 0686 - Währung : Euro - Bank : SANTANDER Bankadresse : Calle León y Castillo, 22, Arrecife 35500 Lanzarote


Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die für die Unterkünfte angezeigten Preise zu ändern. Der aktuelle Preis der von Ihnen gewünschten Unterkunft wird Ihnen vor der Bestätigung Ihrer Buchung mitgeteilt.

Unsere Preise richten sich nach der Personenzahl, die das Haus bewohnt. Sollte sich die Personenzahl erhöhen, sind Sie verpflichtet, uns darüber zu informieren und die Differenz zu zahlen. Dies ist auch hilfreich, damit wir sicherstellen können, dass die Villa für alle Gäste vorbereitet ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Differenz nicht erstattet wird, wenn die Personenzahl sinkt.

Kinder unter zwei Jahren übernachten kostenfrei. Für Kinder über zwei Jahren wird der normale Tagespreis berechnet.

Alle Villen werden mit frischen Handtüchern und Bettwäsche für die bei der Buchung angegebene Anzahl an Gästen ausgestattet. Bei Buchungen von mehr als 7 Tagen ist ein Wäscheservice mit frischer Bettwäsche und Handtüchern während des Aufenthalts inbegriffen. Bei Buchungen von 7 Tagen oder weniger werden Bettwäsche und Handtücher nicht gewechselt, es sei denn, dies wird ausdrücklich angefordert. Die Poolreinigung erfolgt normalerweise zweimal pro Woche und ist kostenlos. Je nach Wetterlage reinigen wir den Außenbereich und den Swimmingpool möglicherweise häufiger.

Haustiere unserer Gäste sind in unseren Villen kostenlos willkommen, sofern sie weder das Haus noch seinen Inhalt beschädigen. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus.

Für die Nutzung des Whirlpools fällt eine zusätzliche Gebühr pro Tag an. Diese optionale Gebühr wird zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung mitgeteilt.


Mit der Buchung erklärt die erstgenannte Person im Namen aller in der Buchung aufgeführten Personen, dass sie

Er/sie hat diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen und ist berechtigt, sie zu befolgen;

er/sie erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass wir seine/ihre Daten gemäß unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie verwenden;

Er/sie ist über 18 Jahre alt und erklärt bei der Bestellung von altersbeschränkten Diensten, dass er/sie und alle Mitglieder der Gruppe das entsprechende Alter für den Erwerb dieser Dienste haben;

Er/sie übernimmt die finanzielle Verantwortung für die Bezahlung der Buchung im Namen aller in der Buchung genannten Personen.

Er/sie informiert uns, wenn Änderungen oder Stornierungen notwendig sind und ist für die Einholung der Bestätigung und Benachrichtigung der Gruppe verantwortlich.

Er/sie haftet stellvertretend für die Gruppe für die Kosten der Reparatur bzw. des Ersatzes etwaiger Schäden.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured. We strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance that covers the cost of your cancellation and assistance (including repatriation) in the event of an accident or illness.


The accommodation is reserved solely for the person named on your confirmation/invoice and their guests. No other persons are permitted to stay in the accommodation and you are not permitted to invite guests to the accommodation for events such as parties, celebrations or other large gatherings unless agreed with us in writing and the relevant payments (if applicable) have been made. Any additional guests will be asked to leave the accommodation by us, the accommodation operator or another authorized person. You and all members of your party also agree not to use the accommodation for any illegal or commercial purpose, sublet it or otherwise allow anyone to stay with us who we have not previously approved on your confirmation/invoice. Upon your departure, you should leave the accommodation in a reasonably clean and tidy condition so that it can be prepared for the next guests. All of our homes are equipped with exterior cameras to prevent theft, vandalism and other criminal acts in our homes.


If you wish to change your booking in any way after confirmation (for example your desired arrival date or accommodation) we will do our best to accommodate these changes but it is not always possible. All change requests must come from the person who made the booking. Email us at [email protected]. We will do our best to help and advise you of the total cost before you decide to make a change. Please note that costs may increase the closer you get to the arrival date you wish to make the change to and contact us as soon as possible. If we are unable to help you and you do not wish to proceed with the original booking we will consider this a cancellation on your part. Cancellation fees may apply as detailed in our cancellation policy.


Once your booking is confirmed, the person who made the booking must contact us to cancel the booking. To cancel your booking, please email us at [email protected]. Cancellation will take effect on the day we receive your request. The closer the cancellation is to the arrival date, the less likely we are to recover the cost by reselling the accommodation at the original price. Therefore, our cancellation fees increase the closer the arrival date gets and you will be required to pay us the amounts up to the maximum amount set out below. The cancellation fees set out below are calculated based on the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling, with the exception of amendment fees which are non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the person(s) to whom they apply.

If you have to cancel for a reason covered by your insurance, you may be entitled to a refund of the cancellation costs. The claim must be made directly to the insurance company. No refunds will be given for trips not taken or services not used.

The following cancellation fees apply to all destinations and accommodation types:

They apply from the day on which we receive the written cancellation:

  • More than 91 days (or more) before arrival we will refund 50% of the total booking amount
  • No refunds will be given between 0 and 90 days prior to arrival.


For certain bookings advertised with "free cancellation", provided the conditions below are met, you can cancel your booking up to 45 days before the arrival date without incurring cancellation fees and receive a refund of the amount paid for your booking. To benefit from free cancellation, the following conditions must be met:

  • The free cancellation policy must have been mentioned on the booking information page at the time of booking;
  • The booking must be for a minimum of 4 nights;
  • The cancellation policy must be stated on your booking confirmation.

If you cancel your booking less than 45 days before the arrival date, you will not be able to benefit from the free cancellation policy and will instead be subject to the cancellation fees set out in clause 8.


It is unlikely that we will need to change or cancel your confirmed booking. Occasionally we may need to make changes and correct errors on the website or other details, both before and after the booking has been confirmed. Although we will always endeavour to avoid changes and cancellations, we must reserve the right to do so.

Changes: If we need to make a material change to your arrangement we will let you know as soon as possible, provided there is time before your arrival. You will have the choice of accepting the change of accommodation, accepting alternative accommodation offered by us (you will pay the higher cost if the alternative accommodation is more expensive than your original booking, or you will get the difference back if the alternative accommodation is cheaper), or you will get a refund of any money you have paid to us. In some cases we will also pay compensation (see below). These options do not apply to minor changes. Examples of minor changes include moving from one accommodation to another of the same or higher standard, temporary unavailability of facilities or seasonal unavailability of facilities.

Cancellation: We will not cancel your travel arrangements less than 4 weeks before the arrival date, unless there are unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances or you have not paid amounts due. Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances are circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. If your booking is cancelled, you will have the option of either receiving a refund of any amounts paid, or accepting an offer from us of alternative accommodation of a comparable standard and facilities, where available (we will refund you the difference in price if the alternative is of lesser value). We cannot recover any amendment or cancellation fees you incur in connection with other arrangements you have made with other suppliers under separate contracts. In certain cases we will pay compensation (see below).

For both changes and cancellations, you must notify us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. If we do not hear from you within 7 days, we will contact you again and ask you to let us know your decision. If you do not contact us again within the time period stated in our notice, we reserve the right to assume that you accept the changed or alternative arrangements.

Compensation: In the event of cancellation or material change, we will pay compensation as set out below, unless the material change or cancellation occurs due to force majeure.

  1. If we make a material change and you do not accept the changed arrangements and cancel your booking;
  2. If we cancel your booking and no alternative arrangements are available.

Period before arrival in which you are notified of a significant change:

  • 45 days or more before arrival 0 € per person
  • 29 -44 days before arrival€5 per person
  • 28 - 15 days before arrival€10 per person
  • 14 - 0 days before arrival€15 per person

However, no compensation will be paid and no liability can be accepted beyond offering the options mentioned above if:

  1. we are forced to make a change or cancel due to force majeure (see clause 11)
  2. We have informed you at least 4 weeks before departure; or
  3. We cancel because you fail to comply with a condition of these booking conditions that entitles us to cancel (e.g. timely payment); or
  4. We make a minor change; or
  5. if the change or cancellation by us results from changes to the confirmed booking requested by you; or
  6. if we make a material change and you accept the changed arrangements or accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements.

The compensation we offer does not preclude you from making further claims if you are entitled to do so.


We will not pay compensation if we have to cancel or change your trip due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control. These include, for example, war, riots, industrial disputes, terrorist activities and their consequences, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, adverse weather conditions, epidemics and pandemics, unavoidable technical problems with transport. We will not pay any compensation, costs, expenses or other amounts, including the cost of alternative accommodation.


We are obliged to provide the accommodation with reasonable skill and care. We will not be liable to you unless it can be proven that we have breached this duty and caused you damage as a result.

We are also not liable in the following cases

  1. if the accommodation cannot be provided as booked due to circumstances beyond our control (see note in clause 11)
  2. if you suffer loss or damage that was not foreseeable at the time of booking based on the information you provided
  3. if you suffer loss or damage in connection with a business activity.
  4. if the loss or damage relates to services which are not part of our contract with you.

If we are found liable to you for any reason, we will limit the amount we have to pay you to a maximum of twice the cost of your accommodation. This maximum does not apply in the event of death or personal injury.


Both we as accommodation providers and you as our guest acknowledge that pandemics are national, international and sometimes global crises and accept our obligation to follow all official instructions from governments or local authorities.

Please note that we will not be liable for any refunds, compensation, costs, expenses or other losses of any kind incurred by you (including, where applicable, costs of medical treatment) in the following circumstances:

  • If you or a member of your booking party tests positive for an infection or virus and needs to be quarantined for a period of time, or if you are notified or otherwise learn that you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for an infection or virus (or is otherwise suspected of having an infection or virus) and needs to be isolated yourself for a period of time. If this happens within 14 days of your arrival, you must contact us as you may no longer be able to travel. Where possible and subject to availability, we will offer you the following options:
    • Postpone your holiday to a later date. We will advise you of the impact of the postponement on the price (please note that you may have to pay full cancellation charges for some elements of your holiday as well as any price increases imposed by other suppliers);
    • Cancel your holiday, in which case we will charge our standard cancellation fees at the time of your cancellation. You may be able to claim these costs back from your travel insurance.
    • Should this happen during your holiday, please notify us immediately and we will provide you with all assistance possible in the circumstances. However, we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any curtailment of your holiday, missed transport options, additional accommodation required or any other related costs you incur. You must ensure that you have travel insurance to cover these costs.
    • You fail any test, screening or other measure imposed by a service provider, airline, port or airport, border control authority or other governmental or local authority, or you fail to submit to a test or assessment when requested, which results in you being denied carriage on board the aircraft, entry to the destination or access to the services, or you are otherwise unable to continue the journey or that part of the journey.

You also acknowledge that the service providers of your trip, including airlines, hotels and tour operators, are required to comply with national and/or local regulations and requirements relating to pandemics, infections or viruses and may therefore have taken certain measures. These are likely to include special requirements for personal protective equipment, such as the wearing of face masks by staff (and possibly also the wearing of face masks by you), social distancing, restrictions on the maximum number of people using certain facilities, designated alternative entrances and exits, mandatory hand sanitising, limited entertainment options and limited availability of food and drinks. We do not anticipate that these measures will significantly impact your holiday and all measures are for your safety and the safety of those around you.


All bookings are subject to a refundable security deposit of €300, payable at the time of booking or before checking into the accommodation. This amount may vary according to accommodation and booking type.

If you or a member of your party causes damage to the accommodation or any item in the accommodation or on the premises, you and/or your party will be responsible for any loss and/or damage caused, unless the damage was caused accidentally and is less than €50. You authorise us to deduct reasonable amounts for repair/replacement of damage from the damage sum.

In the event of major damages exceeding the value of the security deposit, you agree to pay the full cost of the damages within 14 days of written notice. In the event of a dispute over the amount of the damages, we agree to refer the matter to arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. If you choose to refer the matter to arbitration under these rules, you can find more information at www.ciarb.ie

If no refundable accidental damage deposit has been paid, you and the members of your party will be liable for any damage caused to the property and you agree to pay the amount necessary to repair or replace any damage to the property or its contents within 7 days of being asked to pay. Should any damage occur during your stay, please inform us at [email protected] . The deposit will be refunded by bank transfer within 7 working days of departure.


When you book accommodation through us, you accept responsibility for the proper conduct of all members of your party during your stay. We reserve the right at any time to terminate the stay of any member or members of your party whose conduct, in our opinion, the opinion of a responsible person or in our opinion, constitutes or may constitute a danger to other persons or damage to property. In this event, the full cancellation fee will be payable and no refund will be made. In addition, we will not be under any obligation to pay compensation or cover any costs or expenses (including without limitation the cost of alternative accommodation) incurred by you as a result of the cancellation of your stay. Subject to clause 14, you and/or your party may also be held liable for any loss and/or damage caused by your actions and we will hold you and each member of your party jointly and severally liable for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. The full amount of any such damage or loss must be paid directly to the accommodation owner or other supplier before departure. If you fail to make payment, you will be liable for all claims (including legal fees) made against us as a result of your actions and for all costs we incur in pursuing any claim against you. We cannot be held responsible for the actions or conduct of other guests or persons unrelated to your booking or us.


Official check-in time is 4:00 PM local time. Until this time, only the housekeeping staff will have access to the property to prepare for your arrival, therefore it is only possible to enter the property before this time by prior arrangement. Check-out time for all properties is 11:00 AM local time. Please note that earlier check-in or later check-out is possible by arrangement. Please contact us once you have a confirmed reservation and we will arrange this where possible; the cost will depend on your request.


If you encounter a problem during your stay, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to remedy the situation. Contact details can be found on your booking confirmation. If your complaint cannot be resolved on site, please contact us within 14 days of your return.

Wenn Sie dieses einfache Verfahren nicht befolgen, können wir Ihre Beschwerde nicht untersuchen und lösen, während Sie sich am Urlaubsort befinden, und dies kann Ihre Rechte aus diesem Vertrag beeinträchtigen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur im Rahmen dieser Buchungsbedingungen zu einer Entschädigung verpflichtet sind.

Streitigkeiten oder Ansprüche aus dieser Vereinbarung, die nicht zwischen uns beigelegt werden können, können von Ihnen an das Chartered Institute of Arbitrators oder an jedes Gericht weitergeleitet werden. Wir stimmen zu, dass die Gerichte in Irland zuständig sind und dass irisches Recht gilt.

EU-Bürger können auch die Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform (ODR) der Europäischen Kommission unter https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main nutzen . Über diese ODR-Plattform können Sie Ihre Beschwerde an uns übermitteln. Sie hat keinen Einfluss darauf, wie Ihre Beschwerde gelöst wird.


In seltenen Fällen können bei der Eingabe von Preisen in unsere Reservierungssysteme oder Websites Fehler auftreten. Wir bedauern, dass jeder Vertrag, der aufgrund eines Eingabe-/Systemfehlers oder eines falschen Preises abgeschlossen wird, ungültig ist. In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass eine solche Situation eintritt, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, entweder den korrekten Preis zu zahlen oder den Vertrag zu stornieren und eine vollständige Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises zu erhalten.

18. Gesundheit und Sicherheit

Die Swimmingpools der Villen sind nicht zum Tauchen oder Wassersport geeignet, sondern nur zum Schwimmen und Baden.


Bitte lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie , in der erläutert wird, wie wir mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten umgehen.

20. Vertrag

Bitte lesen Sie diese Buchungsbedingungen sorgfältig durch, da sie zusammen mit den spezifischen Informationen zu Ihrer bestätigten Unterkunft die Grundlage Ihres Vertrags mit Playa Blanca Holiday Villas SLU („wir“, „unser“, „uns“) mit der Unternehmensregistrierungsnummer B70653100 und der eingetragenen Adresse CALLE JOSE MOLINA, NUM 10 35500 ARRECIFE - (PALMAS, LAS) bilden.

Diese Buchungsbedingungen gelten für die Buchung von Unterkünften und zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Anmietung von Immobilien, wie beispielsweise Concierge-Dienste, Villendienste, Autovermietung für die Dauer des Aufenthalts und die Vermittlung anderer Dienstleistungen Dritter im Auftrag von Gästen.

21. Registrierung von Reisepässen

Die spanische Regierung verlangt von allen Touristen, ihren Reisepass bei SES Hospedajes zu registrieren, was für Aufenthalte in Villen und Hotels gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist. Die Passdaten aller Gäste über 14 Jahren müssen den Behörden gemeldet werden. Dies geschieht über eine sichere Plattform, die der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung entspricht. Das Hochladen dieser Daten ist Voraussetzung für die Buchung, andernfalls kann die Buchung storniert werden.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf Spanisch auf der Website der spanischen Regierung hier 


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